
In this page, you will find some description of the programmation project I am working (more or less) on.If people are interested to contribute to a project, just drop me an email. I will be very happy to share them. Even more as I can not often work a lot on them.
Also, some of my numerical libraries are available.

#Shaman war

This is a game based on 'puissance 4'. It is played on an hexagonal frame. I am currently working on graphics and the strategy engine. An interesting feature for programming is the problem of mapping an hexagonal to a square array. I do not solved all problems concerning the comparison of two frame but this is nearly finished.

#Port of Lyx to the Mac

Lyx is a very efficient word processor which uses LaTeX(*) as background engine. This allows the production of very nice looking documents. Most better than Word will never be able to produce. But, Lyx only works on unix like system. I first started a small project based on the Lyx 0.12 engine. As Lyx 1.0 has been released, the Lyx team started to work on a new version in which interface will be more separated from the internal text kernel. Therefore, my project is sleeping until a first release of the new kernel is done. As soon as it is available, I will try to port the kernel for the mac interface.

#The FUNGI project

I am one of the cofounder of the FUNGI project. For more information, please check the homepage of the project here.

#My libraries

I have written some libraries for my numerical work during my thesis. In the following array, you can select some of them. They are written in C++. I have been using them on AIX(xlC) and GNU/Linux(gcc).


These libraries are delivered 'as it', you can use them at your own risk. I can not be responsible for any damage caused by these libraries.


Implements the behavior of unit quaternions.

quaternion.C quaternion.h

Some extensions to the standard C math lib.

MyMath.C MyMath.h

Implements the behavior of 3D vector.

vector3d.C vector3d.h

A very basic template list

list.C list.h

Basic frame representation (3D)

MyFrame.C MyFrame.h


(*) TeX is a markup language created by D. Knuth and extended then to become LaTeX by L. Lamport. It is widely used in the scientific community to write articles. From my point of view, it produces the best looking documents I can imagine. The drawback is that you have to type nasty codes and compile your file to get the final document.