Les Fichiers #37 - 1999 Du Fichier

17 septembre 1999

Les Fichiers #37 -- 1999, Investigations Du Fichier De Mufon Skywatch
George A. Filer, Directeur, Réseau Mutuel De UFO Oriental
Septembre 17, 1999, Majorstar@aol.com (609) 654-0020

Comme l'ouragan Floyd le travaille voie le long de la côte est des USA, nos coeurs, pensées
et les prières sortent à ceux en danger. On s'attend à ce que l'orage atteigne le mon
la zone dans une question des heures, et l'électricité est déjà dehors au coin
mémoires. Les états de UFO continuent lourd de partout dans le monde, mais pas près du


LEVITTOWN, LONGUE ÎLE -- Dave Hagemeister rend compte septembre 1, 1999, ED G
Un professionnel marié instruit a entendu un palpiter -bruit très peu commun-,
cela réverbéré dans toute sa maison. C'était un fredonnement rapidement de cycle ou
pleurnichait un bruit; cela a monté en volume. Le bruit de palpitation étrange de gong
est devenue plus fort, l'épouse de l'Ed G est réveillé à 10:00 P.M.. Elle a crié fort; " ED,
tu entends ce bruit étrange? " Elle a écarté les rideaux en chambre à coucher et a vu
eerie-bleu-rougeoyez dans leur arrière-cour. Ed G a, avec précaution ouvert leur avant-porte; pour
voir un OVNI en forme de disque énorme, la taille de 130 "commerciaux-airliner" et planants
à qeulques pieds de haut juste quelques yards au-dessus du chateau d'eau plusieurs blocs loin.
l'objet était un disque circulaire très foncé et mat qui a effilé à partir de son bord mince
tout autour de son périmètre à sept pieds d'épaisseur à son centre. L'OVNI s'est incliné
vers le bas vers Ed G à un angle de 45-degree. Ed G a pu voir une ligne droite, une douzaine
lumières bleues rougeoyantes solidement, s'étendant du bord inférieur directement à travers
son midsection, au bord le plus loin de lui. Il y avait une plus grande lumière,
une lumière bleue de clingnotement au bord du plus lointain objet. Son épouse a exécuté pour voir
mouvement d'objet lentement vers le sud-est. L'cEd est sorti en courant nu-pieds de la maison
et avalez la rue pour suivre l'objet, puis retourné pour son appareil-photo mais
ne pouvait pas obtenir une photo. Il était étonné de se rendre compte que personne d'autre ont eu
venez dehors pour étudier les bruits de palpitation forts. Trois nuits plus tard,
le 4 septembre, ils ont vu le métier et ont entendu les palpiter-bruits encore à
11:00 P.M.. Ils ont décidé de rester à l'intérieur dans la sécurité de leur maison.
Merci à Dave Hagemeister NACOMM:


CLIFTON -- Shelly Jaffe enregistre qu'août 11, 1999, elle a vu autour du blanc
lumières lumineuses à 8:30 P.M.. Shelly a enregistré les lumières étaient la taille d'environ
six avions remontés. Il n'y avait aucun bruit de cet objet quelque.
Merci à ISUR, à feuilles de Tom et à Shelly Jaffe à rhgj@aol.com


VALLÉE de HUNTINGDON -- le tome Carey d'investigateur de MUFON enregistre juillet 23, 1999,
apercevoir d'un métier argenté allumé a été franchement identifié par un Bryn Athyn
témoin oculaire de pompier comme " dirigeable souple. " Deux dirigeables souples sont basés au nord-est
L'aéroport et un de Philadelphie étaient aéroportés alors. Merci à Tom Carey.


UFOSSI signale que septembre 3, 1999, microphone et henry entendu ronflement
bruits. Henry a vu la tête d'une entité blanche grisâtre 4 à 5 pieds de grande
dehors. Il a entendu le bruit de ronflement dans la chambre à coucher qui s'est déplacée autour a
henry horaire de cercle de compteur alors a vu une boule molle blanche classer flotter de lumière
autour de la maison et de lui a pensé qu'il a vu un autre étranger. Le microphone n'a pas vu
étranger ou la lumière. Ils sont allés extérieurs et les deux la scie quatre flashant colorée
les lumières dans le ciel environ 50 pieds de distant sur une triangle planante ont formé le métier.
L'objet était environ 200 pieds de large et déplacés lentement vers elles. Nous avons commencé
pour soutenir loin du métier pendant qu'il s'approchait et alors il a juste disparu.
Merci à Billy Dee UFOSSI@ufossi.org alucard90@webtv.net


Tom Carey et met Schmitt sont juste retournés d'un autre voyage de recherches à
Roswell. Avec les investigateurs locaux, Dennis Balthaser de Roswell et
Nina Coleman d'Albuquerque, l'équipe continue à rechercher proactively
la plupart de caisse célèbre de UFO de toute l'heure. De nouveaux témoins continuent à être localisés et
interviewé. Les anciens rappels d'une personne de gouvernement devant évacuer le sien
zone d'emploi en Virginie nordique pour un jour il y a beaucoup d'années pour permettre
épave d'un UFO tombé en panne à sortir et être replacé. Le foyer remplacé est
étant placé sur les événements dans la région de corona par opposition à plus loin
sud-est de Roswell. Un plein jour a été passé dans le haut désert essayant à
localisez le site exact de panne totale. Ils croient que le véritable site de panne totale était
plus près du ranch du Brésil que le prétendu ranch de maïs de pivot " de site de maïs " --
situé environ 35 milles de nord-ouest de Roswell. D'autres nouvelles révélations seront
annoncé dans des états prochains. Merci à Tom Carey Tcarey@aol.com


AÉROPORT NAVAL FALLON - août 29, 1999, Chris Miller et son client
Syena Sowden étaient sur une pousse visuelle sur le désert de trois milles loin de
base à 6:30 P.M.. Syena a vu le UFO d'abord. Des états de Chris, " j'étais déjà
tenant le camcorder, ainsi je l'ai juste dirigé vers le UFO. " Il était
voyageant extrêmement rapide, peut-être 600 M/H à environ 30.000 pieds. L'objet
était un métier formé par cigare. L'examen étroit du vidéo, indique deux
des plasmas peuvent être vus. Merci à Chris Miller.

Cours D'Université D'UFOs

John A. Logan College dans Carterville, l'Illinois offre le cours. " UFOs:
An Alien Connection?" The course will examine the history of the UFO
phenomenon and speculate on alien life. It's a continuing education course,
taught on the Internet. The cost for the 7 week class is $15.00. See


REDLANDS -- Sharon Warren writes, my personal interest in UFOs began in 1968,
when my in-laws had a UFO encounter. At the time I was working for the local
newspaper. Dr. Seff, a professor from the University of Redlands, came to
the paper and asked to run a story regarding UFO sightings in the area. He
and a team of other university professors were conducting investigations for
the USAF's Project Blue Book. My mother-in-law contacted Dr. Seff who came
out with his team and interviewed her. I was at the interview and spoke with
one of the professors. He told me that the USAF had obtained a piece of a
crashed UFO from the Mexican government that had been analyzed at the
University of Colorado. It contained 100% magnesium but when I related this
story to Stanton Friedman he informed me it was not magnesium but manganese,
and there was no way to 100% purify the substance in 1969. He also relayed
to me how the UFO had been picked up on radar over Texas and chased by a USAF
jet into Mexico. As the jet's pilot approached the UFO, he noted it was
wobbling uncontrollably and crashed in Mexico. A second UFO appeared to be
coming to its aid? The pilot then tried to pursue the second UFO, but it
took off at high speed. I looked forward to the conclusions of Project Blue
Book knowing that the USAF had "proof" of the existence of UFOs. When their
final conclusion was made public, they stated they had found no proof of the
existence of UFOs. I knew then that they were conducting a cover up and I
wondered why? Thanks to: Sharon Warren swarren487@aol.com


AUBURN -- On September 8, 1999, Christopher Montgomery writes, "We saw a
triangular UFO near the UFO Resource Center." Around 8:40 PM, I was working
late when Matt came busting into my office to grab the binoculars. Five
minutes later we heard the roar of a huge helicopter flying over about ten
feet above our roof. Chris ran outside and Matt said, "I want you to take a
look at something!" I studied an object with three lights tilted at a
25-degree angle behind the helicopter. One red light was on top in the
center. "I'll be damned! I think it's a UFO." It moved with a zigzag
motion maneuver, in a classic UFO stair-step. It was shaped in a classic
triangle UFO which everyone in Auburn and Kent had been reporting for years.
It stayed in our area a good 20 minutes. It would fly southwest back
northeast without turning. A third witness MM came out to watch. She
examined the object for several minutes and was visibly shaken by the UFO.
It was 9:00 PM, and we observed it for another fifteen minutes as object's
body would turn while in one spot. The object's lights did funny things and
breezed over me, very faintly illuminating the surrounding area. I watched
it go north up the valley level with the crest of our hill. The craft was
very thin and had three distinctive lights one on each point of the triangle.
It was a cream or beige color dimly illuminated. A power failure to a
diesel generator that operates the pump for the town's drinking water
occurred simultaneously. Thanks to Christopher Montgomery UFO Resource Center
(U.F.O.R.C.) newsletter: http://www.angelfire.com/wa/UFORC


NEILBURG -- Paul Anderson the editor of Circles Phenomenon Research Canada
reports a large new crop formation in Saskatchewan. Ten circles were found
in a wheat field on September 3, 1999, by Dave Robertson. Three "arms" of
circles come out from a larger central circle. The center circle is about 35
feet in diameter, the others range from 4 feet to 22 feet. The "top" two
circles and the center circle are clockwise, the others are all
counterclockwise, all with very neat swirling and flattening of the crop.
This is the seventh Canadian report for 1999, and the first this year from
Saskatchewan usually the center of activity. Ray attempted to take pictures
but could not get it to function properly. Thanks to: Paul Anderson
CPR-Canada http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Cavern/3310/1999.html
SURREY -- August 20, 1999, 2:00 AM A couple stepped outside their home and
observed a white light traveling slowly north to south. It came to a halt in
the eastern sky. No sound was apparent. The "object" was observed through
binoculars for a period of 40 minutes. One of the witnesses said the object
appeared to have two large lights with three perimeter lights, and a blue
light around the middle. One noted oddity was that the attached lights
seemed to circle the larger lights in a propeller-like motion. The object was
still in the sky when the couple retired.
VANCOUVER - August 23, 1999, The witness spotted some strange lights near
the power lines on Grouse Mountain at 10:30 PM. The area has no road. The
lights were blue, purple, orange and green, and pulsating. The lights went
up, stopped, then went down and sideways -- far too fast for a helicopter.
They appeared to be attached to the perimeter of an object the size of "the
roof of a small house." The witness reported seeing the same, or similar,
object on August 25, 26 and 28. His wife also witnessed the object. Louise A.
Lowry oliver2849@home.com "World Of The Strange Weekly Newsletter" UFO*BC


ARMAGH -- Miles Johnston reports during August since the night of the eclipse
we have had five nights of UFO sightings. The Armagh Planetarium and local
police stations received many calls from 2300 hours to 0400 hours each night
>from the Lough Neagh/ Mid Ulster area. Large rings of light, with inner
rings were seen over a several hundred square mile area. They may have been
unusually bright Aurora Borealis. Groups flying discs flying in formation
were reported. Dr. Barnet of the Armagh Planetarium reported a USAF Flying
AWACS aircraft was escorted, or accompanied by two red Flying Triangle
aircraft. These flew over Northern Ireland at only 4,000 feet. He was
unable to come up with an explanation for the other sightings. The AWACS,
and the rays of strange lighting effects, over the southern sky, were
reported by highly qualified observers, with good astronomical night time
experience. Thanks to Miles Johnston TMilesJ@compuserve.com
THRONE COUNTY -- Eugene Mc Namee writes that, "I was abducted tonight
September 2, 1999." This is not the first time, but this time it was
different. "There were other humans there (at least they looked human)
working with the aliens." "They dragged me out of bed and there was a buzzing
in my head that I heard while I was abducted." Thanks to Eugene Mc Namee


Since the 7.8 magnitude earthquake on August 17, 1999, where over 15,000 were
killed, some very strange lights are being seen all over Western Turkey.
They are incredibly clear, circular or triangular in shape, white, yellow,
red and blue colored, remain visible in the sky for 5 to 20 minutes,
following a materializing-dematerializing pattern. The funny thing is it
became a routine thing as they have been showing up two or three times a
week. They became an inevitable component of the TV news and media.
Furthermore, just before the quake, the bottom of the sea in Izmit went red
and the sea temperature went up to 40-45 degrees C. However, there are no
underwater volcano's in the Sea of Marmara! Starting two days before the
quake, hundreds of fish, crabs and other sea life forms died and not
naturally! Somehow, they were burned!!!!! The fish nets of the fishermen were
burned and we have several rock and stone samples from the sea, which went
black in color. TUVPO (Turkish UFO and Paranormal Organization) is
cooperating with the Smithsonian Institute and a few universities in the US.
We already sent them some rock and burned fishnet samples, upon their
request. Folks at TUVPO will hopefully run a spectrum analysis on the video
tapes. Some fishermen are also saying that they witnessed an explosion under
the sea. Fireballs, strange lights, sightings never ended in Turkey. At the
same time more quakes with smaller scales are still ongoing in a wide range
of area. As you know Greece was hit by a 5.9 quake a couple of days ago.
Thanks to HAKAN "konac@pop3.ada.net.tr


Barry Chamish reports the summer of 1999, saw the triumphant return of flying
triangular formations over Israel. As always, their appearance was greeted
with video cameras to solidly document them. On July 22, a triangular craft
was spotted in the cities of Tsfat and Yokneam at 7:30 PM. It was videotaped
in both places. A professional photographer Rafi Malka was phoned and video
taped it from his home in Acceded. He earned the distinction of being the
first Israeli to videotape two separate UFOs. He then phoned his nephew
Doron Cohen in Yavne, who spread the word in that city that a UFO was coming.
Among those he contacted was professor Rami Shkalim, who has a Ph.D. in both
physics and philosophy and is currently a professor of Kabbala at Bar Ilan
University. He was one of over two hundred people who viewed the craft until
it disappeared at 12:30 AM. He had just purchased professional equipment, a
Sony 320 zoom video camera that recorded an absolutely brilliant ten minute
videotape of the craft. The craft had two silvery lights, both surrounded by
a perfectly circular red aura twice their size. When the craft seems to turn
a triangle of lights is visible. Then the craft becomes two lights, which
emit spirally turning lights, like twisting fireworks, before the craft
disappears to the west. He took the courageous step of going public with his
videotape on the popular television program, "Good Morning Israel." The TV's
host said, "This film is too weird to be written off as a planet or anything
else we know." The fact that the UFO appeared on Tish B'av follows the
pattern of UFO incidents falling on Jewish holy days. Photos at
http://members.tripod.com/~ufoisrael. Thanks to Barry Chamois
ISRAEL RETURN OF THE BIBLICAL GIANTS? Jenny Rand's reports that along with
the sightings, the Anakim or Refaim, the giants of the Bible are returning to
Israel today. There are only two periods of recorded history when giants
were reported in Israel. In biblical days from the time of the Flood to the
ascension of King David, and since 1993 in modern Israel. The case for the
return of giants to Israel is airtight. The giants thoughtfully chose
reliable contactees as witnesses, and have allowed their craft to be filmed
and left in their wake ample physical evidence. Jenny filmed a documentary
this summer about the giants with a film crew from California. They had
already filmed in Voronezh, where they got some fascinating new data on the
l989 giant sightings, and flew to the UK from Israel where they had
researched the cases in this article. My task was to piece stories together
of giant entity cases and assess possible origins for these entities in the
scheme of things. A one hour Discovery documentary will air next April.
Thanks to Jenny Randles


JS Hugo reports I have followed all the reports that have been rolling in
>from witnesses, debunkers, verifiers and speculators. The whole situation
reminds me of the event that played itself out years ago in this very manner
when Sky Lab fell from orbit. I personally witnessed the spectacle of the
'alleged reentry,' late at night (September 9, 1999), driving along a
deserted road in South Africa. There was time to stop the vehicle and get
out to look. I saw exactly the type of display reported by everyone in Utah
and Nevada. The descriptions of maneuvering objects that doubled back on
themselves was a characteristic that led me to believe that I had just
witnessed UFO activity. I related my story to my family on arriving at home,
yeah, yeah, nice, goodnight. Only to have the morning paper shoved under my
nose when awoke, halfway down the front page was three inches long column
tucked to the left. It declared that the 200 calls that were received
concerning the sighting, was nothing more than a space station burning up. I
had to accept this reasoning, yet somehow I don't believe a word of it. The
display lasted too long, longer than a meteorite fall, it looked more like a
cosmic dog fight between fast moving craft. There were flashes of weapons
being discharged, bobbing and weaving flaming objects. Some of the objects
seemed to regroup before changing direction and then doubling back to
disappear into the distance at incredible speed. This all took two to three
minutes covering a large arc of the night sky. The questions are would this
reentry be visible in South Africa, if it also occurred over Australia and
the US? Thanks to JS Hugo catman@yebo.co.za. Editor's Note: Heavy UFO
activity was also reported in the Tampa, Florida area. Space Command noted
about 70 spent rocket boosters or stages disintegrate in the atmosphere each
year. A Russian SL-12 rocket booster, item # 25761 was falling. The
official explanations may hide UFO activity.


CRONULLA -- Barry Taylor reports that on September 6, 1999, local Police had
received two calls at 3:00 AM from independent witnesses of a large "Flying
Triangle" hovering over the ocean just offshore of Southern Sydney. The
Triangle shaped craft had yellow/orange lights on each corner. Many people
had been watching the Whale christened "Alex" for the last four days off
Cronulla, and "I am wondering if they're interested in the whale as well?
Thanks to Alan Craddock and Barry Taylor stingray@nor.com.au. The Australian
Research Network reports that on September 13, 1999, they were receiving UFO
reports from all over Australia. Three people saw UFO in Victoria. Trevor saw
one in Perth, Meg in ACT, Albert in NSW, and one in Perth. Thanks to ARN at:
tkbnetw@fan.net.au (Keith Basterfield)

AIR VICTORY MUSEUM UFO exhibit continues to grow thanks to David Mossey and
his son who built a magnetism display showing various types of magnetic
rotation and how electrical current is used to over come gravity. We also
wish to thank Pat Marcattilio for his donation of a UFO display. This
weekend there will be an exciting Air Show at the South Jersey Regional
Airport in Medford, New Jersey.

As a special aid to our readers, we can provide you with the best real estate
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U.S. GOVERNMENT UFO PROOF RELEASED: Audio tapes of a genuine UFO Alert at
Edwards Air Force base and studied by the Foreign Technology Division at
Wright Patterson Air Force Base, are now available for distribution to the
public. Lunar Astronaut Dr. Edgar Mitchell was at Edwards the night the UFO
chase occurred. The 6th person to walk on the moon said, "The night it
happened I investigated it myself and this was a real event." Sam Sherman's
audio documentary tape called THE EDWARDS AIR FORCE BASE ENCOUNTER on the
night of October 7, 1965, uses the actual voice recordings provided by the
Air Force. During this event 12 high tech luminous UFOs invade secure air
space and came down low over the runways at Edwards AFB. Tower operator Sgt.
Chuck Sorrels spotted them and notified the Air Defense Command. Sgt.
Sorrels is heard on the original tapes and in a new segment where he verifies
the event as it is heard on the archival recordings. The UFOs are described
and a decision is made to launch F-106 fighter interceptors. Your there for
an important part of UFO history. Hear it for yourself, its the best UFO
tape ever made. Tape cost is $14.95 each plus $2.00 for shipping -- total
$16.95 --(for overseas orders- out of US - add $6.00 shipping cost - total -
$20.95) you can send either a personal check or money order to: Independent
International Pictures Corp, Box 565, Dept. GF, Old Bridge, New Jersey 08857.

MUFON JOURNAL For more detailed in