Welcome to the homepage of FUNGI

As FUNGI is a very young project only basic informations are available at the moment, but stay tuned, the project is running and more informations will be added as soon as possible.

Enter the development area ...


The developer page is now available with some documentation of the basic classes.

Click on the C++/FUNGI icon to go in the development area.

Coming soon

What is FUNGI intend to?

Fungi is a project built around the FIG file format. Our goal is first to create a system indenpendant kernel that can read, modify and write FIG file. Secondly, we will built application for Linux, Windows and MacOS. Please, check the xFIG homepage to get more information about the FIG langage and the xFIG software.


Fungi is intended to provide a portable and free fondation to built small but effective graphical applications to built scheme. Typically, Fungi will be at ease with plan, technical scheme, etc.

What does it mean ?

Fungi stands for:

Fig Utility for Nut's Graphical Issue

and it should be pronounced more or less like the 'fun guy'.

Who is working on Fungi ?

Currently we are two person daniel Garrivier and Marc Henri Vuillaume.

Last update november, 22 1999